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Motorcycles Face High Risks

Mr. Barton is a lifetime motorcycle enthusiast on and off road. He has been injured before and personally, understands the hardships unique to motorcycle riders. Motorcycle riders face dangers on the road that people in cars and trucks never even consider. This is due in large part to the fact that, in a majority of cases, the dangers riders face come in the form of negligent people driving cars and trucks. Whether these drivers don’t see motorcycles or simply choose to ignore their right to share the road, the injuries that can occur in the event of a collision have the potential to be life-changing or even fatal.

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury in a motorcycle accident, you should have your case reviewed by an attorney who knows the law and has the ability to protect your interests. At the Barton Law Firm, we have successfully represented clients who have been injured in a variety of motorcycle accidents. Our deep understanding of the law and knowledge of the injuries that can occur in these accidents allow us to be much more proactive in our efforts to secure a positive result.

Seeking Compensation For All Your Losses

While medical care is the primary focus of any personal injury claim, there are a number of other damages victims suffer that should be considered. We do not rush to settle your case. We focus on gaining a complete understanding of your injuries and determining the full extent of the losses you suffer. We use that information to determine an accurate value for your claim and fight aggressively to obtain the compensation you deserve.

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your accident, it may be appropriate to seek compensation for the following types of losses:

  • Medical care, including hospital visits and medication
  • Future care
  • Rehabilitation
  • Assistive medical equipment
  • Damage to your bike
  • Loss of income
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Compensation for families who have lost a loved one

We carefully review your entire case to determine all of the losses you have suffered. When appropriate, we bring in experts to help us identify a fair value for a particular loss. In every case, our only concern is to see that you receive fair compensation for all of your current and future needs.

Contact Our Houston Office About Your Motorcycle Accident Injuries

We represent clients throughout Texas in a wide variety of motorcycle accident cases, including accidents at intersections, freeway accidents and others. Please call us toll free at 800-800-1505 or contact us via email to schedule a free initial consultation with a lawyer.