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Aggressive Insurance Claim Litigation For Policyholders Throughout Texas

If you run a business or own commercial property that has suffered damage in a storm or fire, you know that building reconstruction is only part of your financial losses. Often, the most significant financial damage results from business interruption, reinstalling new equipment and fixtures, replacing inventory and losing rent revenue.

Medical services with highly sensitive equipment, in particular, are subject to loss of revenue as expensive MRI machines, CAT scanners and lab test equipment must be calibrated by professionals, often taking weeks to schedule.

Business owners purchase commercial property insurance to protect themselves from devastating financial losses, including the full cost of business interruption. However, insurance companies often limit their financial exposure by undervaluing the amount of revenue lost, preferring instead to point only to structural damages. At Barton Law Firm, we don’t think that’s right.

If your business insurance provider has denied or undervalued your claim for business interruption and other financial damages directly related to property damage, call us. From our offices in Houston, our lawyers aggressively protect the rights of insurance policyholders throughout Texas. If you are facing a denied or undervalued claim or bad faith insurance practice, call us toll free at 800-800-1505 to schedule a free consultation with one of our Houston business interruption insurance claims attorneys. You may also use our convenient email contact form.

Apartment Complexes

When a wind storm, tornado, hurricane or fire damages an apartment building, the owner may face losses related to structure, furnishings, amenities, and vacancies. Insurance companies often refuse to recognize the full extent of damage, claiming that individual apartments were already vacant or the complex was not producing revenue. We hold insurance companies accountable for full and fair compensation they agreed to when selling the policy.

Contact An Experienced Texas Loss Of Inventory Attorney

Call us toll free from anywhere in Texas at 800-800-1505 or use our convenient email form to arrange a free consultation with one of our insurance litigation attorneys today.